Oļegs Tkačevs
Oļegs Tkačevs

Oļegs Tkačevs 2005. gadā ieguva ekonomikas maģistra grādu Latvijas Universitātē un diplomu Eiropas studijās Dienviddānijas Universitātē Odensē, bet 2010. gadā, Latvijas Universitātē aizstāvot promocijas darbu "Fiskālās politikas ietekme uz tautsaimniecību", ieguva ekonomikas zinātņu doktora grādu. Ekonomikas analīzes un ekonometriskās modelēšanas prasmes Oļegs Tkačevs papildinājis vairākos studiju kursos, t.sk. Anglijas Bankas un Šveices Nacionālās bankas rīkotajos semināros.
Oļegs Tkačevs sāka darbu Latvijas Bankas Monetārās politikas pārvaldes Makroekonomikas analīzes daļā 2004. gadā, bija ekonomists un vēlāk – galvenais ekonomists. Viņam ir arī starptautiskā darba pieredze – 2012. un 2013. gadā Oļegs Tkačevs strādāja Eiropas Centrālās bankas Ekonomikas ģenerāldirektorātā par nacionālās centrālās bankas ekspertu.
Oļega Tkačeva darba pienākumos ietilpst pētījumu veikšana ārējā sektora, konkurētspējas un fiskālās politikas jautājumos, kā arī dalība makroekonomikas rādītāju prognožu izstrādāšanā. Viņam ir gandrīz 10 gadu pieredze fiskālās politikas jautājumos, 2007.–2012. gadā viņš piedalījās Eiropas Centrālo banku sistēmas Monetārās politikas komitejas Valsts finanšu darba grupā, kā arī 2009.–2012. gadā pārstāvēja Latvijas Banku sanāksmēs ar starptautiskajiem aizdevējiem fiskālās politikas jautājumos.
Oļegs Tkačevs ir daudzu zinātnisko publikāciju autors, no 2007. gada lasa lekciju kursu "Valsts finanses" (vispirms – Latvijas Universitātē, pašlaik – Rīgas Ekonomikas augstskolā) un vada bakalaura darbus.
Autora darbi
Working Papers
31.Fiscal Sustainability and the Role of Inflation, ifo Working Paper Series, ifo Institute - Leibniz Institute for Economic Research at the University of Munich, accepted for publication in 2023..30.Fiscal Sustainability and the Role of Inflation, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2023..29.Fiscal Performance under Inflation and Inflation Surprises: Evidence from Fiscal Reaction Functions for the Euro Area, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2023..28.Fiscal Performance under Inflation and Inflation Surprises: Evidence from Fiscal Reaction Functions for the Euro Area, Bank of Estonia Working Papers, Bank of Estonia, accepted for publication in 2023..27.Did Job Retention Schemes Save Jobs during the Covid-19 Pandemic? Firm-level Evidence from Latvia, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2023..26.Choosing the European Fiscal Rule, Dynare Working Papers, CEPREMAP, accepted for publication in 2022..25.The Survival of Latvian Products and Firms in Export Markets, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, OECD Publishing, accepted for publication in 2022..24.The Survival of Latvian Products and Firms in Export Markets, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2022..23.Public investment crowds in private investment with ifs and buts, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2022..22.Choosing the European Fiscal Rule, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2021..21.Are Tax-Favoured Savings Plans Effective in Raising Private Savings?, Discussion Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2021..20.Interest Rate Spreads in the Baltics and the Rest of the Euro Area: Understanding the Factors behind the Differences, Discussion Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2021..19.Secular Decline in Public Investment: are National Fiscal Rules to Blame?, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2020..18.Getting Old Is No Picnic? Sector-Specific Relationship Between Workers Age and Firm Productivity, Discussion Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2019..17.Export and Productivity in Global Value Chains: Comparative Evidence from Latvia and Estonia, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2018..16.On the Design of Stabilising Fiscal Rules, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2018..15.Do EU Funds Boost Productivity and Employment: Firm Level Analysis for Latvia, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, OECD Publishing, accepted for publication in 2018..14.Importance of EU Regional Support Programmes for Firm Performance, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2018..13.Export and Productivity in Global Value Chains: Comparative Evidence from Latvia and Estonia, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, OECD Publishing, accepted for publication in 2017..12.The role of price and cost competitiveness for intra- and extra-euro area trade of euro area countries, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2016..11.The role of price and cost competitiveness for intra- and extra-euro area trade of euro area countries, Working Paper Series, European Central Bank, accepted for publication in 2016..10.The Impact of Sovereign Bond Yields on Fiscal Discipline, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2016..9.Relationship Between Inflation and Economic Activity and Its Variation Over Time in Latvia, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2016..8.CGE model with fiscal sector for Latvia, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2016..7.Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Latvia's Service Exporters (but were Afraid to Ask), Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2015..6.Compendium on the diagnostic toolkit for competitiveness , Occasional Paper Series, European Central Bank, accepted for publication in 2015..5.Measuring the Effectiveness of Cost and Price Competitiveness in External Rebalancing of Euro Area Countries: What Do Alternative HCIs Tell Us?, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2014..4.Measuring the Effectiveness of Cost and Price Competitiveness in External Rebalancing of Euro Area Countries: What Do Alternative HCIs Tell Us?, Working Paper Series, European Central Bank, accepted for publication in 2014..3.The Assesment of Equilibrium Real Echange Rate of Latvia, Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2012..2.Explaining Government Revenue Windfalls and Shortfalls. An Analysis for Selected EU Countries , Working Paper Series, European Central Bank, accepted for publication in 2009..1.Cyclically Adjusted Balance of Latvia's General Government Consolidated Budget , Working Papers, Latvijas Banka, accepted for publication in 2005.. -
8.Invest one – get two extra: Public investment crowds in private investment, European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, accepted for publication in 2023..7.The effectiveness of tax incentives to encourage private savings, Baltic Journal of Economics, Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies, accepted for publication in 2022..6.Fiscal rules and volatility: the role of stabilising properties and compliance, Empirica, Springer;Austrian Institute for Economic Research;Austrian Economic Association, accepted for publication in 2021..5.Export and Productivity in Global Value Chains: Comparative Evidence from Latvia and Estonia, Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv), Springer;Institut für Weltwirtschaft (Kiel Institute for the World Economy), accepted for publication in 2020..4.The Impact of Sovereign Bond Yields on Fiscal Discipline, Kyklos, Wiley Blackwell, accepted for publication in 2019..3.Importance of EU Regional Support Programmes for Firm Performance, Economic Policy, CEPR;CES;MSH (also covers Economic Policy, CEPR;CES;MSH ), accepted for publication in 2019..2.Measuring the Effectiveness of Cost and Price Competitiveness in External Rebalancing of Euro Area Countries: What Do Alternative HCIs Tell Us?, Empirica, Springer, accepted for publication in 2015..1.The Assessment of Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate of Latvia, Baltic Journal of Economics, Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies, accepted for publication in 2014..